Anne-Laure Guenoux

Transversal mediation: bringing together all the works of all the practitioners?

The student musicians go to the concert, the dancers to the dance performance, the visual artists to the museum. Very often, in France, our first reflex as a pedagogue is to bring our audiences closer to the artistic forms that we master best and for which they solicit us. Therefore, how to give keys to reading a non-musical show to musicians thanks to their instrument? From video extracts of non-musical shows, we will take the time to lay the foundations for a collective analysis to extract raw artistic material and see how it can be manipulated in music. Artists, mediators, educators, together we will build an active mediation approach so that access to all works is lively and invigorating for all audiences.

Biography :

Anne-Laure Guenoux is currently coordinator of the initial training for the state diploma of music teacher at the Pont Supérieur in Rennes. Trained as a school musician, specializing in vocal jazz, she has worked for various conservatories as a conductor, artistic and cultural education project coordinator and musical arranger.

As part of the training that she oversees today, she strives to develop bridges between live performance and teaching to provide keys to understanding all artistic subjects (music, dance, theater, visual arts) through practice. artistic.

Anne Laure Guenoux

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