Hyacinthe Ravet


Hyacinthe Ravet is a sociomusicologist and professor at the Faculty of Arts of Sorbonne University – where she is vice-dean for equality and the fight against discrimination – and a researcher at the Institute for Research in Musicology.

Author and editor of several books, she devotes her research to the analysis of gender relations in the artistic and cultural worlds, to collective creative processes and to the mediation of music. She has published Musiciennes. Enquête sur les femmes et la musique (Autrement, 2011), L’orchestre au travail. Interactions, negotiations, cooperations (Vrin, 2015) and Sociologie des arts (Armand Colin, 2015).

Director of the journal Travail, genre et sociétés (CNRS – La Découverte), she is co-responsible for the research programme on orchestras, discrimination and gender (ANR Prodige) in collaboration with Sciences Po. She is also responsible, for Sorbonne University, for the Master “Mediation of music” in collaboration with the Sorbonne Nouvelle University.


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